Higher Ed in Public Books
It is desirable for academics to speak to a broader audience, and exciting for readers outside of the academy to debate what scholars have to say.
It is desirable for academics to speak to a broader audience, and exciting for readers outside of the academy to debate what scholars have to say.
Tenure in the American university system is a lot of things, and they are not always easy to reconcile. It is a form of job protection, one that differs fundamentally from the protections offered by unionization.
Click here to read our latest article published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, How to Avoid the Associate-Professor Trap
Now in the Chronicle of Higher Education “You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” said Rahm Emanuel in 2008, reacting to the financial downturn in his role as chief of staff for Barack Obama. “It’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” That perspective — which Emanuel has reprised in […]
The pandemic has deepened the divide between the faculty and administration on most campuses, but if ever there were a time to give one another the benefit of the doubt, it is now.
Partnerships are available all across campus that can help us be better educators and more thoughtful and well-informed campus citizens.
That busyness and overwork have become status symbols is probably not a surprise, write Carolyn Dever and George Justice, but what interests do they serve?
October 17, 2019: Inside Higher Ed publishes the latest installment of Beyond the Dark Side . When should top administrators claim responsibility for the good things that happen on campuses? When should they be blamed for things going wrong? George Justice and Carolyn Dever explore the issues. Click here to read the article
September 19, 2019: Inside Higher Ed publishes the latest installment of Beyond the Dark Side . George Justice and Carolyn Dever enumerate how institutional-level service can strongly benefit not only the college or university but also the lives of faculty members. Click here to read the article
August 14, 2019. Inside Higher Ed publishes the next installment of Beyond the Dark Side .